Ongoing Donations Policy

  1. Ongoing Donations Policy
    1. Where a Donator has entered into an Ongoing Donation Arrangement, then:
      1. You instruct and authorise Chooza to charge your credit card on each day that a Donation is payable under an Ongoing Donation Arrangement.
      2. You can opt out of an Ongoing Donation Arrangement at any time via your Chooza Account provided:
        1. You have provided 2 working days' notice via your Chooza Account; and
        2. You have received confirmation from Chooza that the change has been affected.
      3. Unless and until you successfully opt out of an Ongoing Donation Arrangement, you are bound to continue to meet your obligations to make Donations in accordance with the an Ongoing Donation Arrangement.
      4. You can change the amount and/or frequency of an Ongoing Donation Arrangement at any time, but those changes will not be deemed to have taken effect unless:
        1. You have provided 2 working days' notice via your Chooza Account; and
        2. You have received confirmation from Chooza that the change has been affected.
      5. You agree that you will immediately update your credit card details in the event it changes via your Chooza Account login.

    2. If you're a Nominated Charity benefiting from an Ongoing Donation Arrangement you agree with the Donator and Chooza that:
      1. The Donator may cancel an Ongoing Donation Arrangement at any time.
      2. Subject to these Terms, a Donator is under no obligation to continue to Donate to you.
      3. The rest of these Terms including (without limitation) the Donations Policy and Fees Policy apply to all Donations made via an Ongoing Donation Arrangement.