Items Policy

  1. Items Policy
    1. You cannot list an item for Sale on the Chooza Platform unless it complies with this Items Policy. If you do, then Chooza may:
      1. Prevent the Listing from going live.
      2. Delete the Listing.
      3. Suspend the Listing for a period of time that Chooza determines while it undertakes a review of the Listing or proposed Listing.
      4. Delete or suspend you as a Registered User.

    2. Items which cannot be marketed, sold or referred to on the Chooza Platform are any Items which:
      1. Are illegal in New Zealand.
      2. Cannot be legally sold in New Zealand to anyone under 18 years of age.
      3. Are racist, sexist or otherwise harmful (or potentially harmful) to the sensitivities of any group of people that commonly identify themselves as being associated with such group.
      4. Are classified as prescription medication.
      5. Are weapons of any kind including any art or ornament that is made to look like a weapon.
      6. Fall into any of the following categories:
        • Items that are of a sexual nature.
        • Fireworks.
        • Tobacco.
        • Any product or thing that contains nicotine.
        • Any product or thing designed to be inhaled or which enables something to be inhaled including vaping products.
        • CCTV footage.
        • Private conversations/images.
        • Currency (including digital currency).
        • Digital Content.
        • Loyalty/membership points (including frequent flyer points).
        • Laser pointers.
        • Human body parts or excrement.
        • Human or animal body fluids.
        • Keys or security access cards.
        • Novelty lighters.
        • Shares and securities.
        • Live animals.
        • Beehives.
        • Tattoo ink.
        • Lottery or raffle tickets.
        • Seat belt extenders.

    3. The above is not an exhaustive list of Items that cannot be advertised and sold via the Chooza Platform. Bearing in mind that the Chooza Platform is intended to be a social, safe, friendly and helpful community platform, as a Seller you agree that Chooza will have the ultimate right to remove any Listing that it considers is inappropriate and inconsistent with Chooza's values.

    4. Where you intend to sell a Voucher and you are the issuer of that Voucher, then you agree that:
      1. You are capable and legally entitled to undertake the services offered.
      2. The Voucher will not expire within 12 months form the date that you have posted your then current Listing for the Voucher.
      3. You will undertake the services to which the Voucher relates in a timely manner.
      4. You will not outsource or subcontract the services offered by the Voucher to anyone else unless the Buyer agrees.
      5. You must prominently display the expiry date of the Voucher in your Listing.

    5. Where you intend to sell a Voucher and you are not the issuer of that Voucher, then you agree that:
      1. The Voucher has been lawfully issued by the issuer.
      2. The Voucher will not expire within 12 months from the date that you have posted your then current Listing for the Voucher.
      3. You must prominently display the expiry date of the Voucher in your Listing.

    6. Where there is any Dispute regarding whether or not an Item is in breach of this Items Policy, Chooza shall have the ultimate discretion to determine whether or not the Item is complaint or not (and to take all action that Chooza considers appropriate regarding the Listing or the Registered User itself as Chooza considers appropriate). That is because the Chooza Platform has to be a safe please for all people to use and to have a great experience with.