Browse Listings

Browse Listings - Charities: ChildFund New Zealand - 10 items per page - Lowest Price First | Buy | Chooza
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'charity_id' in order clause is ambiguous [Query]: SELECT l.*, max(b.amount) as current_bid FROM ppb_listings AS l LEFT JOIN ppb_bids AS b ON b.listing_id = WHERE (l.charity_id IN ('91') OR l.charity_id IS NULL) AND (l.listing_type IN ('auction', 'product')) AND (l.draft = 0) AND ( = 1) AND (l.approved = 1) AND (l.closed = 0) AND (l.deleted = 0) AND (l.list_in != 'store') GROUP BY ORDER BY FIELD(charity_id, 91) DESC, IF(l.listing_type='auction', IF(max(b.amount) is null, l.start_price, max(b.amount)), l.buyout_price) ASC LIMIT 10